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Brewing Methods


The chemex involves pouring hot water over coffee grounds with a coffee filter "three times thicker"(Kassien 2015) than the ones that we usually use today. The process is slow and the water stays at a temperature of 180 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature of the water can affect the way your coffee tastes.

Cold Brew

This machine makes it so coffee grounds are brewed with cold water. This process is long, taking up to twelve hours to complete, but the result is very flavorful compared to that of coffee grounds brewed with hot water because high temperature can change some of the coffee's natural taste. Cold brewing can also make coffee less acidic.

French Press

With the french press, you put coffee grounds in a pitched and then proceed to put hot water on it. This process is fast, taking about five minutes to complete. If you have the time however, you can wait a bit longer as your coffee slowly becomes more and more caffeinated.

Instant Mix

Put some coffee ground powder into a hot cup of water and stir, then your coffee is finished! This is one of the fastest methods of brewing. However, instant mix isn't technically actual coffee, but coffee extract that has been dried, so it doesn't have as much of that quality taste as some people would want.

Single Serve (aka Keurig Machines)  

This coffee maker is made to brew for one person at a time. This person pops a pod into the slot and waits about 5 minutes for the brewing to be done. The grounds inside the pods are already set to be brewed with, so all the machine does is add water.

This machine pours hot water over coffee grounds into a large pot automatically to be served to multiple people. It is fast as well as the most healthy option of brewing since it absorbs some of the beans' oil that contains cholesterol. Over consumption of the cholesterol can take a toll on one's health over time.  

Standard Drip
The "Cowboy" Method

With this method, a small flame is started to heat the coffee grounds and water. Before the water begins to boil, a person must pour a little bit of cool water in and then the coffee is finished. The result is super strong and bitter coffee. This method is often used by people who camp and hitchhike.

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